the fairy bank collection
Tooth Fairy Gifts, Fairy Doors and More!
The Fairy Bank Collection is centered around the magic and innocence that comes along with folklore and fairy tales. Headquartered in the Mythical Forest, The Fairy Bank is the oldest and largest financial institution within the Fairy Kingdom. With over a gazillion dollars in assets, the Tooth Fairy happens to be one of the Fairy Bank’s top customers as she exchanges all those tiny teeth kindly donated by children worldwide for the very same coin that’s left under a child’s pillow.
Check out Our ToOth Fairy Perspective Display Below
Fairy Bank Collection Shop

your tooth fairy letter comes with the gift set!
Write your own custom letter and we’ll coordinate with the fairies to send it in the mail! Not sure what to write? We’ve got you covered. Follow the steps after your purchase.
"the tooth fairy gift set is far better than just another coin under a pillow - it’s actually cool and comes personalized!"
— Wendy S., Satisfied Customer

Exclusive partners of the fairy bank
As the only trusted partner of the Fairy Bank, we work closely with the Tooth Fairy Alliance, Leprechaun Association, Pixie Party, Mermaid Federation, Gnome Society and the esteemed Unicorn League.
American made coins
All LulaRose coins are proudly made, printed and packaged in America...with the help of the fairies, of course.